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How to feel your best while working from home

Working from home is great for your productivity and mental health, but it can also be tough on your body. From sitting all day to trying to make it through a hectic schedule with no one around to help you stay focused—it’s easy for your body and mind to feel exhausted.cristian-tarzi-6K8gY2g0Mfo-unsplash

Stretching regularly.

Stretching regularly is a great way to reduce muscle tension, improve posture, and help with back pain. It can also help with headaches by reducing stress on the muscles in your neck and shoulders.

Depending on how long you’ve been working at home, it may feel like there’s no time to stretch anymore—but it’s important to remember that even five minutes here or there can make all the difference in how you feel throughout the day. Just commit yourself to 10 minutes of stretching every morning (or whenever else works best) and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much better you feel.

Maintaining a routine.

A routine is a set pattern or series of activities that are done at certain times of the day and in a certain order.

Routines help keep your life organized, and can also help you feel more productive and less stressed when you’re working from home. Some examples of routines include:

  • Wake up at the same time every morning (even on weekends).
  • Eat breakfast at the same time each morning (even on weekends).
  • Work out for 30 minutes every weekday morning before work (or whenever it fits into your schedule).

It’s important to remember that having good habits doesn’t mean they have to be perfect — they just need to be regular!

Eating healthy snacks.

  • Snacks are important for staying energized, but they can also be a great source of comfort.
  • You should try to eat snacks that are easy to chew and digest.
  • Snacks should be low in sugar and high in protein. This will help you feel full longer, which means you won’t need to eat as much during meals later on!
  • Salt is bad news for your health all around, so keep an eye out for snacks that have high sodium content.

Using a supportive chair and desk.

  • Use a supportive chair.
  • A chair that properly supports your body is essential to keeping you feeling good while working from home. “It should have lumbar support, which means it provides a curve in the lower back,” says certified physical therapist and director of The Oasis Wellness Center in Boca Raton, Florida, Rebecca Ruiz-Grossman. “The seat should be long enough to allow you to place both feet flat on the floor and maintain proper posture.” If possible, try out different chairs at an office supply store before buying one for your home office so that you can get the feel for what suits your needs best.

Try out different chairs at an office supply store before buying one for your home office so that you can get the feel for what suits your needs best..

Practicing good posture.

Practicing good posture can help you feel more confident and less tense. When you’re at your desk, sit up with your chest lifted and shoulders back. If you tend to slouch, try using a lumbar pillow for support or place a rolled-up towel under the small of your back when sitting in a chair.

When standing, make sure that you are slightly forward from the hips so that there’s no unnecessary tension in the lower back. Keep feet parallel with each other and about shoulder width apart (your hip bones should be roughly over your knees). Your weight should be evenly distributed between both feet without being too far forward or backward on either foot.[1]

If standing is not feasible due to pain or injury, try lying on an exercise ball while working at a computer—this will help strengthen core muscles and improve posture overall.[2]

Setting boundaries with work and family.

  • Set time limits for work and family time. Remember, it’s all about balance. Know how much time it takes to get your job done, then set aside that same amount of time for personal matters after the work day is over. This will help you keep work from taking over your life and prevent burnout.
  • Be honest with your family about how much time you have for them. You might feel like you’re disappointing them when they ask to hang out or talk on the phone during the day, but being upfront and letting them know what kind of schedule could be helpful in maintaining a healthy relationship with friends and family—and also keeping guilt at bay!
  • Don’t feel guilty about taking some time off now and then! A vacation once in while is crucial; don’t let guilt keep holding you back from getting away!


Working from home can be a great option for many people, but it can also be a struggle. The key to working from home is knowing how to balance your work life with the rest of your life. You don’t want to spend all day on the couch or at the coffee shop because that will make you unhappy and unmotivated, so it’s important to find ways to keep yourself active while still getting work done.

Take breaks when you need them and don’t feel bad about leaving early if you have things going on outside of work that require your attention! The most important thing is taking care of yourself so that you stay happy throughout this process.

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